attitude of gratitude

Why AGC?

Why the Attitude of Gratitude Campaign?

The Human Rights Campaign (HRC) sends out annual questionnaires to America’s largest companies with “demands” (very detailed demands enumerated across a 20-page-long grid!) requiring the company to conform to LGBTQ standards. (See Their attitude is arrogant, and yet their demands are met without protest by the majority of companies they address. (They proudly display results at

Though the HRC never makes overt mention of religion, their demands are also blatantly anti-Christian. Yet Christians seem either unwilling or unable to make any public statements which will counteract the effect of the HRC’s pressure.

The Attitude of Gratitude Campaign (AGC) was born with a desire to fill that need, to let people and institutions who are being hammered by LGBTQ propaganda know there is an alternative. With the AGC, it’s not just a matter of expressing an alternative point of view and “getting it off our chest.” It’s a matter of alerting America to the fact that—surprise, surprise—there really is a God, and that America is in danger of seeing God remove his protection from us. We are all in this together, and if LGBTQ promoters are allowed to flaunt their abominations before the world and before God, America will suffer the consequences.

AG Campaign Monthly Prayer

We at AGC will try our best to see that that does not happen. We will mail out questionnaires to institutions and individuals asking them to help us testify to the goodness of God, and asking that they help us show God our gratitude by obeying his commandments. We hope our “attitude of gratitude” will spread beyond us to millions of Americans who desire to see God’s will done in America, and throughout the world, as it is in heaven.